about me

about me

the basics

I recently graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelors in Computer Engineering. I was born in Overland Park, Kansas and since then, I have lived in Bangalore, India, and Aurora, Illinois.


→ visual design intern @ brunswick corporation

→ nominating committee @ society of women engineers

→ mentorship officer @ UIUC Notion

→ engineering learning assistant @ grainger college of engineering

→ software engineering intern @ cargill

as an avid music lover…

i’m constantly saving new music into seasonal playlists!!

and spending all my money on concerts (😭)

hozier at lollapalooza!!
hozier at lollapalooza!!
still woozy!
still woozy!

thank you for visiting, let’s connect! Email | Linkedin — made with ♡ and the help of Fruition, Cloudflare, and Notion UIUC